Creating an Itinerary Online

Oct 14, 2016

To create an intinerary online and with all the options you either require or desire is now easier due to the Tourism Connecter.

Traditonally people would go to 'travel agents', talk with them about where they wanted to go and what they wanted to see and experiece nd the travel agent would do  the 'homework' and get back to them with an itinerary and budget.

The internet has provided consumers with the ability to do their own research in thier own time, but has always struggled when it is time to book the package. At booking time people need to pay various providers and visit multiple web sites to make their reservations.

Some of the larger web sites like 'Tripadvisor', '',' and others have tried to bridge the gap where you can book your accommodation and some activities, but you have to use these web sites only. This has a limitations whereby theh only have limited information, partial availabilities and limiited activities. While they do have reviews which can be useful, the main goal actually booking the whole itinerary most often can not be achieved.

Combined with the Netbookings Dynamic Packaging System it is now possible to create an intinerary on any web site in a region. This means people do not need to use a particular web site to make their booking. This felixibility is quite ground breaking for consumers and is sure to mean more flow on bookings for all businesses in tourism areas.

By dealing direct with the business web sites, you should gain access to a more complete undertaning of the business, what they offer and other experiences offer in the region. The businesses can offer packages that have their services and products combined with other products from their partners.

Being able to sell pre-defined multi-business packages or let the consumer build their own from a variety of local experiences on their web site is a very powerful asset to a business.